of ... |
/ Lecture |
[white background indicates
required reading;
background indicates optional reading] |
Sept. 8
Introduction, resistors and resistance
Course Introduction:
What's the purpose of PC/CP320? [PDF]
September 5, 2018
Course syllabus
Fall 2022
About the course
September 8, 2022
- Active Learning Introduction
Proven teaching strategies
Overview of Physical Computing
September 8, 2017
- Learning on your own using Google and YouTube, etc.
Block Diagrams
February 13, 2019
Block Diagram Elements
November 9, 2017
Block Template
Signals for block diagrams library for Dia
Use this if you are installing Dia on your own computer.
draw.io online drawing app
Sample signals
Electrical terminology
September 8, 2016
Resistors and resistance
September 7, 2017
Variable Resistors (Trimmers)
January 4, 2018
Identifying resistor nominal values (AL exercise)
doc version
png version
Timer (6 minutes)
Digital multimeters
November 7, 2018
- Using lab notebooks
New Information:
Lab Notebook summaries
May 12, 2017
Summary checklist
January 18, 2017
"summarization is among the top nine most effective teaching
strategies in the history of education"
- Online Quiz:
Read over the learning objectives for this course.
Do quiz on MyLearningSpace between
7 a.m. Friday and 11:30 p.m. Sunday evening.
"Our central result is that higher exposure to the online instrument
robustly leads to higher student learning, all else being equal."
[© 1995-2003 M. W. Davidson, Florida
State University]
Fixed Resistors
January 8, 2018
Resistance [
May 12, 2017
Continuity [
May 12, 2017
colour coding chart
[PDF; NIC Components, May
Way Does Current Really Flow?
Resistor colour codes: 4-
band, 5- band
[GIF; © 1996-2003 Electronix
Resistor colour code: 4, 5, 6
[JPG; T. May, University of
[PDF 50pp, © Wavetek Meterman,
Wavetek Meterman 33XR Operator's Manual
[PDF 17pp, © Amprobe,]
MAKE presents: The Resistor
colour code: 4, 5, 6 band
[JPG; T. May, University
of Colorado]
Sept. 12
Electrical circuits and single board computers
including the
Raspberry Pi
- AL wrap-up from last week- last value
Kirchhoff's laws
May 16, 2011
Kirchhoff's laws example
May 31, 2017
Voltage dividers
May 31, 2017
Resistive sensors
May 31, 2017
force-dependent resistor
strain gauge
Application of voltage dividers - internal resistance
June 13, 2014
Determining battery internal resistance (AL exercise)
Timer (6 minutes)
Single board computer platforms
November 23, 2016
Arduino, Pi model B+
Pi model A, B, B+
Pi 2, model B+
Pi 3, Pi 2, model B+
Pi model B, BeagleBone
Raspberry Pi
models comparison
Linux shell command summary
Note: Linux is case-sensitive, and commands should be in
lower case.
- Raspberry Pi GPIO pins
Board and Broadcom numbering schemes
WEMOS GPIO pin guide
Note that numbering uses the Broadcom system.
How can you tell?
Orientation of GPIO pins
Correct cobbler orientation
Access GPIO from Linux user space
Tip: To see the Pi internal temperature, type:
cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp
Divide the result by 1000; e.g. 44250 corresponds to 44.25 Celsius.
Breadboards [PDF]
May 1, 2012
- Quiz during next lecture!
Static sensitive devices and
exploration project
- good lab summary
Clear, useful, and just 1 page
Launchpad Science Maker Lab Introduction
Voltage, current and Ohm's law quiz
Applying some basic concepts of voltage, current, and power
Rationale for collaborative quizzes
"The students first completed a quiz individually. Once the quiz
was completed individually, the students completed the same quiz in
groups. Eighty percent of the score on the quiz was based on the
individual results, and 20% of the score on the quiz was based on the
group results. The performance on the quizzes was significantly higher
when students completed the quizzes in groups than when
they completed the quizzes individually. Results document that
completing the quizzes in groups enhances the understanding of the
- Exploration Project Overview
May 24, 2018
Exploration project introduction
Remember Google, YouTube, etc.
Example of wrong/misleading "data"
Exploration Project checklist
of exploration project (8x8 Matrix LED)
- Online Quiz:
Review proper electrical terminology.
Do quiz on MyLearningSpace between
7 a.m. Friday and 11:30 p.m. Sunday evening.
Electrical Circuits Review
[pdf 18pp; B. M. Fleischer] - sections B.1
and B.2.1
Operating point analysis in CircuitLab [video]
Internal resistance of a voltage source [screencast of PDF]
Divider [© 2000, C.R. Nave,
Georgia State University]
Potentiometers [video]
Voltage dividers [video]
DC Voltage [
May 12, 2017
DC Current [
May 12, 2017
Lab bench setup in N2082 [video]
Dual DC supplies [video]
Circuit Simulator [java applet; G. Bothune,
MAKE presents: Ohm's Law
Sept. 19
Producing and measuring analog signals
Oscilloscopes [
August 23, 2018
Triggering on an oscilloscope
Function generators
January 20, 2020
Sketching AC signals [
April 19, 2011
- Logic family characteristics -
voltage [
May 23, 2018
Logic gate characteristics -
measuring voltage limits [
November 20, 2014
Electrical specifications
Determining GPIO voltage limits (AL exercise)
Timer (6 minutes)
- Logic gate characteristics -
current [
September 4, 2013
Logic gate characteristics -
measuring current limits [
September 4, 2013
datasheets for SN7400,
- Logic gate characteristics -
propagation delay [
November 16, 2016
Electrical specifications
Note diode section
- Quiz during next
Voltage considerations for Raspberry Pi GPIO pins
Python programming on the Raspberry Pi
- quiz 1 group summary
6 people got a lower group mark than individual.
Static discharge [
February 18, 2010
- GPIO access in Python
Official RPi.GPIO Wiki examples
- GPIO access in Python
Raspberry Pi GPIO pins
Basic python example
Modified python example
numbering example
Another Broadcom
numbering example
board numbering example
Good Coding Style [
August 23, 2018
Why magic numbers are evil
numerical constants
without comments
Code Style Checklist [PDF]
January 18, 2017
Simple DC circuits quiz
Simple application of Kirchhoff's laws
Timer (6 minutes)
- Online Quiz:
Review Kirchhoff's laws and their application.
Do quiz on MyLearningSpace between
7 a.m. Friday and 11:30 p.m. Sunday evening.
Logic Gates
Measuring Strain with Strain
Gages [© 2016 National
Instruments Corporation]
Family Selection Guide
Lab A:
Raspberry Pi Python GPIO
and Serial Console Introduction
November 27, 2019
Code Style Checklist [PDF]
January 18, 2017
Raspberry Pi Serial WiFi
June 6, 2018
Note: If you finish early, start on Lab B.
Lab B:
Function Generators and
January 14, 2019
Waveform sketch
January 18, 2017
Scope trace checklist
January 18, 2017
- Postlab Requirements:
Rewritten test program
May 12, 2017
for Lab A
Waveform sketch
May 12, 2017
for Lab B
Here's a single
code/scope trace checklist
May 16, 2019
which covers both.
After this week's labs, you know how to measure signals with an
oscilloscope and to
use the Raspberry Pi as a
simple function generator to make square waves of varying frequency
and duty cycle.
Overtones, harmonics, and additive synthesis [video]
DC and AC voltage measurements with an oscilloscope
Finding the origin on an oscilloscope in XY mode
Use of a function generator - Part I
Use of a function generator - Part II
MAKE presents: The Oscilloscope
Close-up pictures of signal
generators we have in the lab:
White case model (Instek
Black case model (Wavetek
Grey case model (Wavetek
Old model (Wavetek 182A)
XYZ's of Signal Sources
[pdf 52pp; © 2005, Tektronix,
Philips oscilloscope (PM3207)
XYZ's of Oscilloscopes
[pdf 64pp; © 2001, Tektronix,
Inc.] The Cathode Ray
Oscilloscope [pdf 6pp, T.
TDS1000 and TDS2000 Series Digital Storage Oscilloscopes
[© Copyright Tektronix, Inc.]
Series Digital Storage Oscilloscopes [© Copyright
Tektronix, Inc.]
ABCs of Probes [pdf 48pp; ©
2005, Tektronix, Inc.]
animation (Flash)
Sept. 26
Diodes and capacitors
- quiz 2 group summary
1 person got a lower group mark than individual.
Reading data sheets
May 12, 2017
- Reading data sheets [
October 7, 2013
sample datasheet
sample datasheet (National
sample datasheet (International
sample datasheet (Photonic
September 9, 2015
Diode Measurement
May 1, 2014
Zener Diodes and Photodiodes
September 26, 2017
Selecting Zener/photodiode resistors (AL exercise)
1N5913B Zener diode, ON
Semiconductor; determine resistor for 12V supply
Note recommended vs.
maximum current.
SFH 229 Photodiode, Osram
Semiconductors; determine resistor for 9V supply and 3.3V
swing with light
Save these results and you'll save time
in the lab!
Timer (6 minutes)
Optical Isolation
November 10, 2016
Optoisolator Calculations
October 1, 2018
Selecting LED/photodiode resistors for optoisolator(AL exercise)
PS2501 datasheet
determine resistors for 5v on input and
output at least 2.5V with a 3.3V supply
determine resistors for 3.3v on input and
output at least 4V with a 5V supply
Save these results and you'll save time
in the lab!
Timer (6 minutes)
- Quiz during next
More electrical considerations for GPIO pins
and output transducers (actuators)
Optoisolator breadboard layout
November 16, 2017
- Lab notes (optoisolator)
scope output
triangle wave output
increased output
resistor value
- The
Embroidered Computer
Capacitors [
October 9, 2015
Identifying Capacitor
August 22, 2019
Output Transducers [PDF]
October 18, 2016
DC motor with shaft encoder
November 1, 2018
Controlling Output Transducers
November 10, 2016
Basic functionality of the oscilloscope
Timer (6 minutes)
H-Bridges and DC Motors
April 22, 2019
Question: What should a block diagram symbol for an H-Bridge
look like?
- Online Quiz:
Review oscilloscope operation.
Do quiz on MyLearningSpace between
7 a.m. Friday and 11:30 p.m. Sunday evening.
Diode Measurement [screencast of PDF]
MAKE presents: The Diode
Checking Diodes
May 12, 2017
Physics of a Diode [©2003 Marvin Casanova ]
Capacitance [
May 12, 2017
How Capacitors
Work [© 1998 - 2003 HowStuffWorks, Inc.]
and Discharging A Capacitor [© 1995-2003 M. W. Davidson
and The Florida State University]
Identifying Capacitor
Polarity [screencast of PDF]
MAKE presents: The Capacitor
Tristate Buffers
Introduction to
Wired-OR Outputs and Open-Collector Circuits [© 2003 National Instruments
7401 datasheet [© 1995
National Semiconductor]
Design Fundamentals for
Phototransistor Circuits
April 30, 2015
[© 2002 Fairchild Semiconductor]
Stepper, servo, DC motor control [video]
How does a Stepper Motor work ? [video]
Induced EMF demo from MIT [video]
Induced EMF in a motor [video]
Relays and Optocouplers [video]
Small solenoid operation [video]
What is a solenoid valve? [video]
How do servos work? [video]
MOSFET tutorial [video]
MOSFETs and How to Use Them [video]
Transistor as a switch [video]
Technical Information [PDF 8pp; © Copyright
Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd.]
Solid State Relays [PDF
5pp; Vishay, 2001]
Lab A:
Zener Diodes and
November 15, 2017
Note: If you finish early, start on Lab B.
Lab B:
January 30, 2020
PS2501 datasheet
Note: Don't take this circuit apart
after the lab; you'll be using it later.
- Postlab Requirements:
Show your calculations for the required resistors for the Zener
diode and for each optoisolator.
Diode calculation checklist
May 16, 2019
After this week's labs, you know how to get inputs from the outside
world at any specified voltage into the Raspberry Pi and you know
how to provide outputs to the outside world at any specified voltage
from the Raspberry Pi .
Optoisolator simulation [video]
Optical Isolators VACTROLS® [©1998-2004.
PerkinElmer, Inc.]
Oct. 2
Conversions between analog and digital signals
the I22 interface on the Raspberry Pi
Analog and Digital Quantities
May 25, 2017
Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog Conversion
October 3, 2018
A/D converter demonstration [video]
Analog and Digital Grounds and Decoupling Capacitors
May 31, 2017
- Identify decoupling capacitors in circuits
- Serial communication (UART)
Serial Communication-UART
November 7, 2018
If using serial (i.e. UART) sensors, you need to turn off the serial
console and feed both signals through the appropriate optoisolators (to
and from the Pi).
Here's the
rpi-serial-console script.
To turn off the serial console:
sudo rpi-serial-console disable
To turn on the serial console:
sudo rpi-serial-console enable
- UART devices
GPS module,
RFID reader,
Bluetooth module
Serial Communication-SPI
October 3, 2018
- I2C interface
Serial Communication-I2C
February 13, 2019
Devices come with a default address programmed in, but it
can usually be changed.
- I2C devices
digital compass (HMC6352),
colour sensor (ADJD-S371),
light intensity sensor (GY-30),
3-axis magnetometer (HMC5883L),
gyro (ITG-3200),
128x32 OLED display
Identifying interfaces (AL exercise)
Sample interfaces
Timer (6 minutes)
- Single Wire Communication
Single Wire Interfaces
October 23, 2017
- Quiz during next
Using operational amplifiers to modify
analog signals
- Review of previous quiz
- quiz 3 group summary
6 people got a lower group mark than individual, but all were over
8, and most were because the group did worse on question 4.
infrared distance sensor
Can the distance sensor feed directly into the ADC? (See Fig. 5
in datasheet.)
Amplifier Basics [PDF]
October 4, 2016
Rails of an operational amplifier [video]
Optoisolators allow changes in voltage for digital
signals; op amps allow changes in voltage for analog signals
Noting variation in naming conventions (AL exercise)
sample 3
Timer (4 minutes)
Amplifier Circuits [PDF]
September 4, 2014
Analog computers [video]
Sketching amplifier output [PDF]
September 7, 2013
Sketching op amp circuit output (AL exercise)
circuit 1
This is what you'll do
in a future quiz!
Timer (4 minutes)
Negative Feedback
in Operational Amplifiers [PDF]
July 29, 2013
- Logic gate characteristics: Open
collector and open drain outputs [
October 3, 2018
datasheet for SN7401
- Logic gate characteristics:
- Tri-state outputs [
June 1, 2017
internal architecture
"Standard" Processor internal architecture
Z80 system architecture (outside mpu)
Hyperphysics microprocessor page
GPIO Electrical Specifications
Determining GPIO current limits (exercise)
Find all of the rules governing current limits.
Look at GPIO pin equivalent circuit.
Zener diode
Choosing correct resistors
Timer (6 minutes)
- Exploration Project Overview
May 24, 2018
Exploration project introduction
Remember Google, YouTube, etc.
Example of wrong/misleading "data"
Exploration Project checklist
of exploration project (8x8 Matrix LED)
- Online Quiz:
Review optoisolator operation.
Do quiz on MyLearningSpace between
7 a.m. Friday and 11:30 p.m. Sunday evening.
ADC and DAC Glossary
[Dallas Semiconductor, 2000]
A/D converter simulation [video]
Sensors and Signal Conditioning
Overview [
May 12, 2017
Catalog [ © 1999,
2000 Magnetic Sensor Systems ]
Oct. 10 |
READING WEEK - No lecture or labs
Oct. 17
More about interfacing devices to the Raspberry Pi
- Review of previous quiz
- quiz 4 group summary
No-one got a lower group mark than individual. The lowest group mark
was 8/10.
- Lab summary comments
Want to say what you learned, not
that you learned something.
No magic numbers
- Project overview
Outline of all 3 projects
October 17, 2022
Note: DC motor needs 1 channel of shaft encoder connected to
indicate position.
DC motor being able to run in both directions and monitor both
channels for speed and direction can be a substitution project and
the second channel can replace the other input.
If a single device contains both inputs and outputs, it can fulfil
both requirements for the second input and output of the
integration project.
Reviewing learning objectives (AL exercise)
Timer (4 minutes)
- Three options for connecting to devices:
- Use existing Python libraries
- Use system commands from within Python
(if there aren't Python libraries)
- Bit-bang your own interface in Python
Bit banging
February 13, 2019
Bit banging
on Wikipedia
Raspberry Pi Interface with Parallax Serial RFID Reader
Bit-banged serial interface [to RFID reader]
Bit-banged SPI Interface to MCP3008
Row-Column Devices [PDF]
February 13, 2019
Wiki sections on "more than one channel" and "several channels"
Also note options for enabling pull-up or pull-down resistors.
Matrix LCD Driver (MAX7219)
February 13, 2019
MAX7219 datasheet
MAX7219 8x8 LED matrix
MAX7219 8 digit 7 segment display
Various displays
LTP-1415AG Single colour 8x5 display
LTP-2558A Tri-colour 8x5 display
Alphanumeric 16 segment LED display
- MAX7219 Fritzing Board
- Row-Column with Both Outputs and Inputs
TM1638 datasheet
(LED/Keypad controller)
TM1638 key/display board
TM1637 datasheet
(LED/Keypad controller)
TM1637 display board (front)
TM1637 display board (back)
- Some input options
capacitive hex keypad
TM1638 key/display board
Telephone keypad
- Response-time sensors; shaft encoders and ultrasonic sensors
Pulse Width Modulation Communication
August 14, 2020
Note: On the Raspberry Pi 2, there are 4 possible hardware PWM pins:
- BCM GPIO 18 (using PWM0, so same as GPIO 12)
- BCM GPIO 12 (using PWM0, so same as GPIO 32)
- BCM GPIO 13 (using PWM1, so same as GPIO 33)
- BCM GPIO 19 (using PWM1, so same as GPIO 35, and also is
so won't be available if SPI1 in use)
SR04 Ultrasonic range finders
Interrupts and threading
October 30, 2017
on Wikipedia
on Wikipedia
on the Raspberry Pi with Python
Real Time Programming [
November 29, 2017
Block Diagrams
February 13, 2019
Block Diagram Elements
November 9, 2017
Block Template
Create one of these for each device you use.
Signals for block diagrams library for Dia
Use this if you are installing Dia on your own computer.
draw.io online drawing app
Block_test.drawio Sample signals
- Quiz during next
More about operational amplifiers and other devices to
alter signals
of AL exercise
Success versus completion
This ignores 45% of the grade (projects and online).
It ignores performance.
Wheatstone bridge
October 18, 2016
Wheatstone bridge animation
Amplifier Dynamic Response [PDF]
October 9, 2015
Neat animations of op amp circuits
Analog Sensors
October 19, 2018
distance sensor - GP2Y0A21YK
Can the distance sensor feed directly into the ADC? (See Fig. 5
in datasheet.)
- sfh229
sensor - 3503
Capacitive soil moisture
Resistive soil moisture
Pulse rate sensor
Pulse rate sensor (back)
sensor interfacing
Use of Differential
Amplifier Circuits [PDF]
February 8, 2019
Operational Amplifier Circuit
Functionality of common op amp circuits
Timer (6 minutes)
Signal Conditioning
May 30, 2017
draw.io online drawing app
Sample signals
LED Strings
January 3, 2019
WS2812B datasheet
Ring LED (front view)
Ring LED (back view)
Line LED (front view)
Line LED (back view)
Matrix LED (front view)
Matrix LED (back view)
APA102 datasheet
SK9822 datasheet
- Second SPI channel (SPI1)
Enabling SPI1 on the Raspberry Pi B+/Zero/2/3
- Prototyping options for the Raspberry Pi
Prototyping options
October 19, 2018
- AB
Electronics expansion hats
- Extending ports with
shift registers
74HC595 using SPI
74HC595 with bit-banging
74HC589A using SPI
design software
Fritzing Example
October 24, 2018
- Where to get Pi stuff:
- makervault, universal-solder, and more
Seeed studio
Grove sensors
DF Robot sensors
- Sensor and
actuator inventory [
November 30, 2017
- Online Quiz:
Review op amp introduction
Do quiz on MyLearningSpace between
7 a.m. this Friday and 11:30 p.m. Sunday evening at the end
of Reading Week.
Analog computers [video]
Op amp tutorial [video]
Low pass filter operation [video]
Wheatstone Bridges: Introduction [©2003 eFunda; Engineering
Wheatstone Bridge Animation
[screencast of animation]
Strain with Strain Gauges [©2005
National Instruments Corporation]
Four bus breadboards [video]
Op amps compared (including open collector) [video]
Oct. 24
Serial interfaces
various devices
use to communicate with the Raspberry Pi
- Review of previous quiz
One group of 5 got 3/5 while every individual got 4/5!
- Serial communication (UART)
Serial Communication-UART
November 7, 2018
If using serial (i.e. UART) sensors, you need to turn off the serial
console and feed both signals through the appropriate optoisolators (to
and from the Pi).
Here's the
rpi-serial-console script.
To turn off the serial console:
sudo rpi-serial-console disable
To turn on the serial console:
sudo rpi-serial-console enable
- UART devices
GPS module,
RFID reader,
Bluetooth module
- I2C interface
Serial Communication-I2C
February 13, 2019
Devices come with a default address programmed in, but it
can usually be changed.
- I2C devices
digital compass (HMC6352),
colour sensor (ADJD-S371),
light intensity sensor (GY-30),
3-axis magnetometer (HMC5883L),
gyro (ITG-3200),
128x32 OLED display
Identifying interfaces (AL exercise)
Sample interfaces
Timer (6 minutes)
- Single Wire Communication
Single Wire Interfaces
October 23, 2017
- CP316 Intro
- Need 30 minutes more!
- Quiz during next
More different devices and how they
interface with the Raspberry Pi
project introduction
Row-Column Devices [PDF]
February 13, 2019
Wiki sections on "more than one channel" and "several channels"
Also note options for enabling pull-up or pull-down resistors.
Matrix LCD Driver (MAX7219)
February 13, 2019
MAX7219 datasheet
MAX7219 8x8 LED matrix
MAX7219 8 digit 7 segment display
Various displays
LTP-1415AG Single colour 8x5 display
LTP-2558A Tri-colour 8x5 display
Alphanumeric 16 segment LED display
- MAX7219 Fritzing Board
- Row-Column with Both Outputs and Inputs
TM1638 datasheet
(LED/Keypad controller)
TM1638 key/display board
TM1637 datasheet
(LED/Keypad controller)
TM1637 display board (front)
TM1637 display board (back)
- Some input options
capacitive hex keypad
TM1638 key/display board
Telephone keypad
- Response-time sensors; shaft encoders and ultrasonic sensors
Pulse Width Modulation Communication
August 14, 2020
Note: On the Raspberry Pi 2, there are 4 possible hardware PWM pins:
- BCM GPIO 18 (using PWM0, so same as GPIO 12)
- BCM GPIO 12 (using PWM0, so same as GPIO 32)
- BCM GPIO 13 (using PWM1, so same as GPIO 33)
- BCM GPIO 19 (using PWM1, so same as GPIO 35, and also is
so won't be available if SPI1 in use)
SR04 Ultrasonic range finders
Diode and capacitor quiz
Behaviour of diodes and capacitors in circuits
Timer (6 minutes)
- Project overview
Outline of all 3 projects
October 17, 2022
Note: DC motor needs 1 channel of shaft encoder connected to
indicate position.
DC motor being able to run in both directions and monitor both
channels for speed and direction can be a substitution project and the
second channel can replace the other input.
If the TM1638 board is used for input and output, it can replace
the second input for the integration project.
Outline of integration project
February 22, 2019
Outline of exploration project
October 24, 2019
Option: test (and document) my Fritzing board
Back of populated
Board overview
Outline of enclosure project
October 24, 2019
Integration Project checklist
One output can be a "monitoring voltage"
or an LED of varying brightness.
Exploration Project checklist
October 23, 2019
Enclosure Project checklist
October 23, 2019
If you're going to do the enclosure project, you have to
start ASAP.
Raspberry Pi Interface to 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor
- Online Quiz:
Review op amp circuits.
Do quiz on MyLearningSpace between
7 a.m. Friday and 11:30 p.m. Sunday evening.
Permanent magnet DC motor with shaft encoder
Normal servo operation - effect of pulse width
Continuous rotation servo - effect of pulse width
Servo Operation and
Voltage regulator
Voltage regulator datasheet (includes TAB package)
Integrity - Bypassing [© 2002 Williamson
Integrity - Decoupling [© 2001 Williamson
How a smartphone knows up from down
Oct. 31
Software and hardware issues with
physical computing
- Review of previous quiz
7/10 group, individual got 10/10
- No post-lab requirements this
week! (But if you hand one in it can make up for a
missed one.)
Interrupts and threading
October 30, 2017
on Wikipedia
on Wikipedia
on the Raspberry Pi with Python
Real Time Programming [
November 29, 2017
- Three options for connecting to devices:
- Use existing Python libraries
- Use system commands from within Python
(if there aren't Python libraries)
- Bit-bang your own interface in Python
Bit banging
February 13, 2019
Bit banging
on Wikipedia
Raspberry Pi Interface with Parallax Serial RFID Reader
Bit-banged serial interface [to RFID reader]
Bit-banged SPI Interface to MCP3008
Block Diagrams
February 13, 2019
Block Diagram Elements
November 9, 2017
Block Template
Create one of these for each device you use.
Signals for block diagrams library for Dia
Use this if you are installing Dia on your own computer.
draw.io online drawing app
Block_test.drawio Sample signals
Course review
Has it all been covered?
Internet of Things
March 6, 2019
"Hackers used 'internet of things' devices to cause
Friday's massive DDoS cyberattack" - AP, Oct 22, 2016
"'A window into your life': Why smart home devices might be
putting your privacy at risk" - CBC Sept. 28, 2018
"Google says it forgot to mention there's a mic
in its home alarm system Nest" - CBC Feb. 20, 2019
Need 15 minutes more!
- Quiz during next
Doing your own
physical computing with the
Raspberry Pi
of AL exercise
Operational Amplifier Circuit
Functionality of common op amp circuits
Timer (6 minutes)
Lab schedule
- Analog input devices
hall sensor, photoresistor, photodiode
- Design as a process
Practical design example
June 23, 2016
- Sensor and
actuator inventory [
November 30, 2017
If using serial (i.e. UART) sensors, you need to turn off the serial
console and feed both signals through the appropriate optoisolators (to
and from the Pi).
Here's the
rpi-serial-console script.
To turn off the serial console:
sudo rpi-serial-console disable
To turn on the serial console:
sudo rpi-serial-console enable
Project components - voltage regulators
We have 5V and 3.3V regulators in the lab.
These use a daemon process running in a separate thread to
bit-bang more ports.
- Java on Raspberry Pi
Pi4J Project
GPIO access in Java for the Raspberry Pi
Near Field Communication (NFC) and RFID
PN532 module
and the Wiring language
Arduino-compatible Raspberry Pi interface board
Firmata protocol
Firmata on Raspberry Pi
- Reading analog resistance values without an ADC
Using Resistive Sensors
(While this example talks about a potentiometer, the process works
for any resistive sensor.)
Results of this quiz
- Online Quiz:
Review analog output transducers and controlling power.
Do quiz on MyLearningSpace between
7 a.m. Friday and 11:30 p.m. Sunday evening.
Lab A:
Raspberry Pi
Stepper Motors
October 30, 2018
Note: If you finish early, start on Lab B.
Lab B:
Power to a DC Motor
October 28, 2019
No postlab requirements; you can start on the project.
After this week's labs, you know how to control DC motors, stepper
motors, and servo motors with the Raspberry Pi.
TM1638 sample board [video]
Nov. 4
No lectures; project schedule
Deliverable (Lab A): One of four devices
Deliverable (Lab B): Two of four devices
Lab A: Demonstrate 1 input or output device
Suggestion: Pick a motor, since you should have working code
from recently. Then you can choose a distance sensor to
start working on for Lab B.
Echo signal from ultrasonic distance sensor must go through optoisolator!
Lab B: Demonstrate previous device and 1 other.
Note: You can have different test programs for each device, but
they must both be physically connected at the same time.
Decide on 3rd device to use.
Project components - SR04 Ultrasonic range finders
Nov. 11
No lectures; project schedule
Deliverable (Lab A): Three of four devices
Deliverable (Lab B): All four devices
Lab A: Demonstrate previous devices and 1 other.
Note: You can have different test programs for each device, but
they must all be physically connected at the same time.
Decide on 4th device to use.
Remember one output can be a "monitoring voltage"
or an LED of varying brightness.
Lab B: Demonstrate all input and output devices
Note: You can have different test programs for each device, but
they must all be physically connected at the same time.
Nov. 18
No lectures; project schedule
Deliverable (Lab B): Integration
Project demonstration
Integration Project checklist
January 3, 2019
Block Diagrams
February 13, 2019
Block Diagram Elements
November 9, 2017
Block Template
Signals for block diagrams library for Dia
(Use this if you are installing Dia on your own
- Lab A: project work (Remember to include some form of
operator interaction.)
- Lab B: Demonstrate Integration project
Nov. 25
No lectures; work on project
On-line Course Evaluation November 27
until Dec. 4
Deliverable (Lab A): Integration project report
Some functionality of exploration device
Deliverable (Lab B): Advanced functionality of exploration
(i.e. something of your own)
On-line Course Evaluation November 27
until Dec. 4
- Lab A: demonstrate basic functionality
(i.e. doing something)
- Lab B: demonstrate advanced functionality
(i.e. doing something useful or interesting)
The goal is to do something that wasn't in an existing example, so
that your report adds to the knowledge base for people after you.
Dec. 2
Preliminary Exploration project video or screencast
Exploration project
demonstration in lab
Deliverable: Demonstrate Exploration project prototype
Documentation and final video due Dec. 5
Exploration Project checklist
October 23, 2019
- Lab A: Demonstrate Exploration project