Department of Physics and Computer Science
- You are expected to spend more than the scheduled
lab time each
week on
these labs:
- up to 1/2 hour before the lab (pre-lab
- scheduled lab time
- about 1 hour after the lab (post-lab
Time permitting, the post-lab requirements may be started or
completed during the lab.
- You are expected to come to the lab on time and
prepared. Attend all lectures so that you have all of the
information you need to do the labs. Do all assigned preparation
before coming to the lab. Bring your lab notebook and lecture
notes with you to every lab. You may want to consider using your
lab notebook for your lecture notes as well.
- You are expected to actively participate in
education. In the lab, do not leave tasks to your partner because
you do not understand them. Learn how and why to do all skills
taught in this course. Lab instructors and demonstrators will not
tell you the answer; they will show you the path to the correct
- You are expected to do your own work. If you
someone else for advice about something in the lab, make sure
that anything you write down is based on your own
understanding. Plagiarism is a serious matter and will be dealt
with accordingly.
- You are expected to value the time of instructors,
demonstrators, and markers. Make use of the lab time when
is scheduled, and try to make it as productive as possible. Do
not arrive late or leave early and then expect help at
other times for what you missed.
- You are expected to act on feedback from instructors,
markers, etc. If you get something wrong, find out how to
it right and do so.
- You are expected to use all of the resources at your
disposal including the lecture material and the course
- You are expected to be professional about
this includes meeting deadlines, understanding and meeting
requirements for labs, reports, etc.
Wilfrid Laurier University
© 2019 Wilfrid Laurier University