PC/CP320: Physical Computing
Exploration Project
There are many topics which are mentioned in this course, but which were not part of any specific lab. The objective of the exploration project is to independently investigate one of these topics and produce a circuit which demonstrates "proof-of-concept". Since technology advances so quickly, this independent investigation will be a normal activity for professionals in the field. For the exploration project, students will work in groups of two or three.
Part of the value in illustrating "proof-of-concept" is to provide a practical example for other people. The deliverables for this project reflect that. They include:
- A very simple system, so that it primarily focusses on the topic of interest
- Well-written code which follows best practices so it is easy to follow
- A clear block diagram which is unambiguous and easy to understand
- A short video, showing the system in operation, with a voice-over explaining what is going on. Since online videos are becoming an indispensible tool for instruction, this is a common component of many tutorials
- A bibliography of a few (3-5) useful websites and/or online tutorials or videos, with a brief description of whay each has value
One of the goals of the exploration projects is to be produce a library for future students and others illustrating each of the topics with a working example, including all of the required components above, to make a practical introduction for anyone wishing to explore further.