PC/CP320 Physical Computing
Resistor and Ohmmeter Postlab
- What was the biggest challenge about doing this lab?
Discuss this as part of your summary.
Hint: Don't think in terms of "What was hard was.."; think in
terms of "What I needed to understand is..."
- Summarize what you learned doing the lab in your
lab notebook. I strongly recommend that you do this within 24 hours
of completing the lab. You are summarizing the lab experience not
the assigned readings. The summary should be:
- in point form or charts or diagrams
- in your lab notebook
- maximum 4 pages.
Note: Usually one or two pages should
be enough for a decent summary unless you need a lot of diagrams.
What is in the summary? Assume you are only allowed to
take the summary into an exam. What information would you
find useful? It is unlikely that statements like "I measured
the resistance of a set of resistors" would be of any
value. Ask yourself what was the point of each section of the
lab? Your summary should include these key points.
- Photocopy your summary
and submit it at the
beginning of next week's lab.
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