Week of ... |
Lab Topic(s) |
Material [
this background indicates
required reading;
this background indicates
optional reading
this background indicates
important items
this foreground indicates updated
this background indicates
weekly topics
this foreground indicates unrevised
] |
Integrated circuits
Pinouts, breadboards, and debugger boards
Sept. 9 |
- Safety -
April 29, 2015
Lab Introduction:
What is the purpose of the PC/CP220 labs?
April 29, 2015
New Device:
May 1, 2012
[HTML version]
May 12, 2017
New Information:
Debugger boards
June 17, 2016
Debugger Boards
May 12, 2017
New Information:
April 12, 2011
More Information:
Finding pin 1
May 23, 2014
New Device:
Chip Pullers
February 11, 2014
Introduction to Digital Logic
September 18, 2017
Introduction to Logic Analysis
using a Computer Algebra System
May 12, 2017
Note: You can complete this exercise anytime over the
next three weeks.
Online Maxima Calculator
This one you can use anywhere, with no download of anything.
A related system is
Alpha truth tables
which also doesn't require a download.
Before next lab: Read documents (or watch videos) about
prototype switches
and then do the quiz on
The quiz will be available from Friday at 7 a.m. until
at 11:30 p.m. It will not be available
the day of your lab, so you
must do it ahead of time.
N2083 Lab bench layout [video]
This has cool history on where the term "breadboard" came from
Basics of Breadboarding [video]
Collin's Lab: Schematics [video]
How to Wire Circuits from Schematics [video]
Resistors (including arrays), LEDs and switches
Watch videos and do quiz before
Input device: prototype switch
Output device: LED
Sept. 16 |
This week you'll learn how some common input and output devices are
used. (The debugger board used previously hides some of the
colour codes
July 25, 2003
LEDs [screencast of PDF]
Choosing resistors for LEDs [video]
Switches [screencast of PDF]
Choosing resistors for switches [video]
Introduction to Quartus II
Watch videos and do quiz before
Design skill: Circuit drawing and simulation
Sept. 23 |
Drawing a circuit diagram and simulating its operation can be done
with software. This week you'll learn how.
New Information:
Keypad access to computer
labs N2085 and N2095
Quartus II Introduction
October 31, 2019
If you didn't do the
computer algebra system exercise, you have only one
more week to do it.
- Pick project
Project List
Prepare project Phase I for
next week
Phase I checklist
April 29, 2015
Sample Phase I
(single output)
prime number identifier
April 29, 2015
Here's the original project description:
Prime or not?
- -4 inputs, giving binary number
- -1 output, indicating whether the number is prime or
Another Phase I (multiple
flag identifier
April 29, 2015
NEW Phase I with
numbers as inputs and outputs (multiple
number of segments
November 14, 2018
Before next lab: Read the document
(or watch videos) about
enable, gate, and strobe inputs
and then do the quiz on MyLearningSpace.
The quiz will be available from Friday at 7 a.m. until
at 11:30 p.m. It will not be available
the day of your lab, so you
must do it ahead of time.
Quartus II Introduction
Simulating with QSim (version 13)
Timing Diagrams [video]
Quartus II Introduction
using the ModelSim Simulator with Forced Outputs
May 12, 2017
Using the ModelSim Vector
Editor with
Quartus II
May 12, 2017
Using Testbenches in
Quartus II
May 12, 2017
Using Quartus II
Watch videos and do quiz before
Gates with "extra" inputs; strobes, enables, etc.
Sept. 30 |
New Information:
Enable, Gate, and Strobe Inputs [PDF]
January 31, 2014
New Device:
Multiplexers [PDF]
October 12, 2016
Quartus II Task
October 31, 2019
Switch who uses the computer and who supervises
from what you did last week.
If you haven't done the
computer algebra system exercise,
do it this week.
- Project Phase I due
Before next lab: Read documents (or watch videos) about
and then do the quiz on MyLearningSpace.
The quiz will be available from Friday
at 7 a.m. until
at 11:30 p.m. It will not be available
the day of your lab, so you
must do it ahead of time.
Enable, Gate and Strobe inputs [screencast of PDF]
Multiplexers [screencast of PDF]
Keypads (with resistor arrays)
Active low signals
"No connection" pins
Watch videos and do quiz before
Input device: Keypad
Oct. 7 |
This week you'll learn to use a keypad for digital input.
Debugger boards [HTML]
May 12, 2017
Switches [PDF]
April 6, 2011
New Device:
Keypads [PDF]
October 13, 2011
[HTML version]
May 12, 2017
New Device:
Resistor Arrays [PDF]
April 7, 2011
Resistor Arrays
[HTML version]
May 12, 2017
New Device:
Encoders [PDF]
January 26, 2012
September 18, 2017
Be sure to put the resistor arrays back in the correct bin
after the lab. To identify the value, look at the number
printed on the array, as in the following examples:
Note the 3 digits after the second dash.
The number 102
indicates the resistor value of 10x
102Ω, or 1000 Ω
Note the 3 digits after the second dash.
Note the 1K on the right.
470 Ω
Note the 3 digits after the second dash.
The number 471
indicates the resistor value of 47x
101Ω, or 470 Ω
220 Ω
Note the 3 digits after the dash.
Note the 3 digits after the second dash.
Before next lab: Read documents (or watch videos) about
7 segment displays
and then do the quiz on MyLearningSpace.
The quiz will be available from Friday
(before Reading Week)
at 7 a.m. until
(at the end of Reading Week)
at 11:30 p.m. It will not be available
the day of your lab, so you
must do it ahead of time.
Keypads [screencast of PDF]
Resistor Arrays [screencast of PDF]
Encoders [screencast of PDF]
How to cascade encoders
Reading Week
Oct. 14 |
Gates with "extra" inputs; strobes, enables, etc.
7 segment displays
Push button (or momentary) switches
Watch videos and do quiz before
Input device: Pushbutton switch
Output device: 7 Segment display
Oct. 21 |
This week you'll learn to use momentary switches for digital input,
and 7 segment displays for output.
Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) [PDF]
April 17, 2012
Light Emmitting Diodes (LEDs)
[HTML version]
May 12, 2017
New Device:
7 Segment Displays [PDF]
April 6, 2011
7 Segment Displays
[HTML version]
May 12, 2017
Switches [PDF]
April 6, 2011
New Device:
Pushbutton Switches [PDF]
October 21, 2011
[HTML version]
October 11, 2019
Alternative Device:
Momentary Switches [PDF]
October 22, 2015
Enable, Gate, and Strobe Inputs [PDF]
January 31, 2014
New Device:
Decoders [PDF]
January 27, 2012
October 11, 2019
Prepare project Phase II for
next lab period
Phase II checklist
April 29, 2015
Sample Phase II
(using Karnaugh maps and Maxima)
prime number identifier
April 29, 2015
Another Sample Phase II
(using Boolean algebra and Maple)
flag identifier
April 29, 2015
Sample Revised Phase I
Phase I
April 29, 2015
NEW Another Sample
Phase II
(using Karnaugh maps and Maxima)
number of segments
December 18, 2018
Before next lab: Read documents (or watch videos) about
bargraph LEDs
and then do the quiz on MyLearningSpace.
The quiz will be available from Friday at 7 a.m. until
at 11:30 p.m. It will not be available
the day of your lab, so you
must do it ahead of time.
Pushbutton Switches [screencast of PDF]
7 Segment Displays [screencast of PDF]
Testing a Common Cathode 7 Segment Display [video]
Testing a Common Anode 7 Segment Display [video]
Decoders [screencast of PDF]
Enable, Gate and Strobe inputs [screencast of PDF]
Minimal Boolean Expressions [video]
Karnaugh Maps (K-Maps) [video]
Don't Cares [video]
Assigning pins in Quartus II
Downloading designs into CPLDs
Bargraph LEDs (with resistor arrays)
Output device: Bargraph LED
Design skill: Using programmable logic
Oct. 28 |
This week you'll learn to use programmable logic devices and
bargraph LEDs for output.
Bargraph LED displays [screencast of PDF]
Quartus II CPLD Programming
A commercially available board similar to the one you are using
is the LC MAXII EPM240 CPLD board.
(It uses the EPM240T100C5N chip from the MAXII family.)
CPLD Lab Task
Design skill: Good drawing for schematics
Nov. 4 |
Drawing tips for digital circuits [screencast of PDF]
Design Project
Nov. 11 |
XOR and XNOR gates in Karnaugh Maps
(starting at page 14)
[PDF; © 2009 Carlton
Design Project: Focus on prototype
Nov. 18 |
New Information:
CPLD layout tips for digital circuits
[HTML version]
November 20, 2018
CPLD layout tips for digital circuits [PDF]
November 29, 2018
New Information:
Prototype options
[HTML version]
November 20, 2018
Note: If you include input or output devices as
discussed below in your CPLD, make sure that all of your
original specified signals are still connected to I/O pins.
This is important so that the operation of your
original circuit can be seen by these alone.
Add circuits as needed to your drawing without
changing any of the original connections, and make the new
connections externally. This will avoid messing up
your existing circuit, while making it possible to fall back to
a debugger board if there are problems.
- Included 7448 7-segment display driver
If you are going to display a digit from 0 to 9 for your
output, then it is possible to use a 7-segment display by
adding a 7448 decoder inside your CPLD.
(If you do so,
remember that you will have to tie the other input pins
appropriately, and not leave them floating.)
- Keypad encoding
If you want to use a keypad for input, and need all 16
inputs, you can
encoders. The parts are in the
Quartus II "Maxplus II" libraries, so you can make it part of
your circuit.
HEX keypad encoder in CPLD
- Bigger CPLD
You may have the option of using an
which uses the EPM240T100C5N device
from the MAXII family.
These have many more inputs and outputs, which is particularly
useful if you want to incorporate a hex keypad encoder
or 7 segment display driver into your design, since they can
be included in the CPLD itself, rather than as external
Note: The bigger CPLDs are 3.3V devices, so there are some
special considerations that have to be observed if you want
to use them.
Be sure you understand these before you begin.
CPLD layout tips for digital circuits
[HTML version]
November 20, 2018
CPLD layout tips for digital circuits [PDF]
November 29, 2018
- Project Phase III due
Prepare project Phase IV
for two weeks from now
Phase IV marking
Note: 1/5 of the project Phase IV mark will be for
demonstrating the working prototype with final inputs and
outputs in either week 10 or week 11. This is to ensure that
all wiring is complete before the final demonstration.
Sample Phase IV Poster
(single output)
prime number identifier
April 29, 2015
Note: My poster doesn't contain any testing information.
This is an oversight.
Sample Phase IV prototype
Sample Phase IV Poster
(multiple outputs)
number of segments
November 15, 2019
Note: My poster doesn't contain any testing information.
This is an oversight.
- Project Phase IV Preparation:
Project Phase IV Process
November 30, 2016
Lab Task: Week 1
CPLD test program
CPLD test program (other direction)
and Hazards in Digital Circuits
Introduction to Breadboards
May 1, 2012
Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
April 17, 2012
Bargraph LED Displays
October 27, 2014
7 Segment Displays
April 6, 2011
April 6, 2011
- Prototype switches
May 12, 2017
October 13, 2011
Pushbutton Switches
October 21, 2011
Resistor Arrays
April 7, 2011
- How to cascade encoders
November 13, 2019
Design Project: Focus on poster
Nov. 25 |
Remember: 1/5 of the project Phase IV mark will be for
demonstrating the working prototype with final inputs and
outputs before week 12. If you didn't do this last
week, do it this week.
Prepare project poster
and prototype
for next week
If you are having a poster printed professionally, note
that there is often an additional charge for rush jobs, and
there may be a normal turnaround time of a day or more. Dont leave it
until the day before your presentation to print.
Sample Phase IV Poster
(single output)
prime number identifier
April 29, 2015
Note: My poster doesn't contain any testing information.
This is an oversight.
Sample Phase IV prototype
Sample Phase IV Poster
(multiple outputs)
number of segments
November 15, 2019
Note: My poster doesn't contain any testing information.
This is an oversight.
Project Phase IV Preparation:
Week 2
Poster Presentation
Preparing a Poster Presentation
Rock, Paper, Scissors glove
Poster Design: Layout [video]
Project Presentation
Dec. 2 |
- Project Phase IV: Final
You will set up your poster and prototype, and mark other
students' projects.
There will be a deduction from the final project mark of 10% for
every 5 minutes of lateness for the final presentation. In other
words, 10 minutes late will mean 20% will be deducted from the
final project mark. Groups that are on time should not have to
wait for others who are late.
(About 5 minutes at the beginning of the lab will be for
setup. Marking will begin after that.)
New:Early set-up times:
On each day there will be times available ahead of the lab for
checking your prototype, attaching keypads or prototype
switches, etc.
The times are:
- Monday sections-
Monday Dec. 2 after 8:30 a.m. and before 11:30 a.m.,
2:30 p.m - 4:00 p.m.
- Tuesday sections- Tuesday, Dec.3 before 1:00 p.m.,
2:30 p.m - 4:00 p.m.
- Wednesday sections- Wednesday, Dec.4 before 11:30 a.m.,
2:30 p.m - 4:00 p.m.
- Lab evaluation