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PSpice Tutorial

LTSpice tutorial

LTSpice is another version of SPICE. The tutorial for LTSpice is modified from this one, so if you found the layout of this one useful, you will probably find the LTSpice tutorial easy to follow.
LTSpice is more freely available than PSpice, and it runs under WINE on Linux as well.

I. Opening PSpice

II. Drawing the circuit

  1. Getting the Parts
  2. Placing the Parts
  3. Connecting the Circuit
  4. Changing the Name of the Part
  5. Changing the Value of the Part
  6. Making Sure You Have a GND
  7. Voltage and Current Bubbles
  8. Saving
  9. Printing

III. Probe

  1. Before you do the Probe
  2. To Start the Probe
  3. Graphing
  4. Adding/Deleting Traces
  5. Doing Math
  6. Labelling
  7. Finding Points
  8. Saving
  9. Printing

IV. Analysis Menu

  1. AC Sweep
  2. DC Sweep
  3. Bias Point Detail
  4. Parametric
  5. Sensitivity
  6. Temperature
  7. Digital Setup
  8. Transient

Note 1: There are other options, but these are the most useful ones.

Note 2: The Monte Carlo analysis was left out due to it's incredible depth. In general PSpice will take a statistical look at a component while randomly altering other values in the circuit, see references for pages that introduce this method.

V. Types of Sources

Voltage Sources

  1. VDC
  2. VAC
  3. VSIN
  5. PWL

Current Sources

VI. Digital Simulation

VII. References and Links

I. Opening PSpice:

II. Drawing the circuit:

A. Getting the Parts:

B. Placing the Parts:

C. Connecting the Circuit:

D. Changing the Name of the Part:

E. Changing the Value of the Part:

F. Making Sure You Have a GND:

G. Voltage and Current Bubbles:

H. Saving:

I. Printing:

III. Probe:

A. Before you do the Probe:

B. To Start the Probe:

C. Graphing:

D. Adding/Deleting Traces:

E. Doing Math:

F. Labelling:

G. Finding Points:

H. Saving:

I. Printing:

IV. Analysis Menu

analysis menu

To open the analysis menu click on the analysis menu 
button button.

A. AC Sweep

B. DC Sweep

C. Bias Point Detail

D. Parametric

E. Sensitivity

F. Temperature

G. Digital Setup

H. Transient

V. Types of Sources

A. Voltage Sources

i. VDC

ii. VAC

iii. VSIN

VSIN parameter window


v. PWL (Piece-Wise Linear)

B. Current Sources

VI. Digital Simulation

digital stimulus window
and fill it in with the Time Step that you want your 'clock' to have. This Time Step value is the your 'clock' pulse. There are various ways you can fill out the command prompts, one way is to do it as shown in the picture, however here are some simple commands that will allow you to do a range of simulations:

VII. References and Links

  1. For the more obscure questions you might have go right to the source at Orcad©
  2. In the PC221 text, at the end of each chapter, there is information on how to use PSpice.
    • Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory -- 7th edition
    • Boylestad and Nashelsky
    • Prentice Hall
  3. **All pictures and screen shots came from Orcad© PSpice evaluation version 8 and 9.1
  4. Not related to PSpice specifically, but there is a tutorial on using LaTeX to typeset technical documents at


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