PC131 Mechanics Lab

This page is being updated for Fall 2016.

This is the Physics 131 Lab page, created and updated by Terry Sturtevant .
Page last updated Friday May 12, 2017
**Items marked this way are not final.**

You can only learn something if you don't think you know it already. -- Terry Sturtevant


Evaluation Methods

Course Material

Week of ... Lab/Exercise Resource Material
[ this background indicates required resource
this background indicates optional resource
this background indicates important items
this background indicates weekly topics
this foreground indicates updated items
this foreground indicates unrevised items ]


Sept. 12

scientist humour

Lab prep


Repeated Measurements

Sept. 26

Lab prep



Oct. 10 READING WEEK - No labs  

Processing Uncertainties

uncertainty humour

Writing a Lab Report

Oct. 17

Lab prep


Torque and the Principle of Moments
Oct. 31
  • Lab: Torque and the Principle of Moments
  • Hand in lab report for "Measuring 'g' "
    Be sure to attach a checklist!
    Submit electronic copy on MyLearningSpace as well.
    For the electronic submission, the following formats are acceptable: MS Word, WordPerfect, PostScript, Acrobat PDF, HTML, RTF, Plain Text

Lab prep


Estimation , Bounding, and Order of Magnitude Calculations

Nov. 14

Lab prep

  • Post-lab questions and tasks (if any) from last week

  • Do online quiz on MyLearningSpace between 9 a.m. Friday and 11:30 p.m. Sunday evening the weekend before your lab.

  • Revise lab report for "Measuring 'g' "
  • Prepare for lab test

    Look at the "Recap" section from each lab to see what you should be able to do.

Lab Test and Lab Evaluation

Nov. 28
  • Lab test and evaluation

    Test writing instructions

  • Hand in revised lab report for "Measuring 'g' "
    Be sure to attach the original to the revised version.

  • (Optional) Hand in lab report for "Torque and the Principle of Moments"
    Be sure to attach a checklist!
    Submit electronic copy on MyLearningSpace as well.
    For the electronic submission, the following formats are acceptable: MS Word, WordPerfect, PostScript, Acrobat PDF, HTML, RTF, Plain Text



Links about writing

Note: different places will specify slightly different formats for reports, but the kind of thinking and communication required will be similar.


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